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Spring into Wellness: Essential Tips for Joint Health and Mobility 

AyurScience Movement in Spring

Whether it be dancing, bushwalking, surfing, gardening, or enjoying a weekend game of family cricket, moving pain-free is so important for our enjoyment. Painful joints and sore muscles can stop us from doing what we love, and limit our movement. Movement is critical in enabling us to enjoy the fullness of life. These essential tips focus on time-tried natural methods to keep you nimble and mobile, improve exercise recovery time and boost physical endurance. 

Movement for Wellbeing

Chronic back pain, knee problems, joint pain and other musculoskeletal conditions are the largest contributors to illness and pain, says a recent report by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Joint immobility can be caused by reduced synovial fluid production (which lubricates the joints), damaged cartilage or inflammation, from wear and tear, ageing, or injury. Muscles, fascia, or tendon tightness also impacts our movement and can cause painful joints. Always consult your healthcare professional when managing an injury or serious joint issue or long-standing pain. 

Muscles naturally weaken without regular use, and impact bone strength. Staying active with activities including walking, pilates, swimming, and yoga helps keep muscles strong, joints flexible, and bones resilient. Here are some reasons to stay moving! 

  • Mental Health: Exercise stimulates the release of feel-good hormones – endorphins – which support mood, reduce feelings of pain and improve mental health. Resistance training helps with depression, and mind-body exercises, such as yoga, are great for anxiety. Exercise improves sleep quality, enhances cognitive function, and can prevent or slow the progression of age-related cognitive decline. “People who are physically active throughout their lives, particularly from age 65 on, are less likely to develop dementia” notes Dementia Australia. 
  • Joint Health: Regular movement enhances our physical health, helping prevent the onset of chronic conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and muscle degeneration. The more we move, the better we maintain joint flexibility, muscle strength, and bone density. 
  • Cardiovascular Health: Consistent movement supports our heart health and circulation, and helps support healthy cholesterol. 
  • Metabolism: Exercise improves our metabolism, helps balance blood sugar levels and promote healthy weight. 

Essential tips for reducing joint pain 

Traditional medicine practices incorporate movement, food, spiritual practice, and botanical medicines for holistic healing. This supports health and vitality at all stages of life.

1. Herbal medicines for joints and muscle health

There are many herbs and foods to incorporate into your daily routine and lifestyle to help reduce inflammation and improve joint health. These can be incorporated with essential nutrients like omega-3 from fish oil or algal sources, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that helps reduce inflammation by reducing the production of inflammatory compounds. Magnesium and calcium work on healthy muscle relaxation and function. 

Traditional botanicals are often used in combination for synergistic effect, with enhanced action of the combined formula being greater than that of the herb being used in isolation. Consider these traditional herbal botanicals, supported by scientific research, which may help reduce mild joint pain, reduce inflammation, and support your physical recovery: 

  1. Turmeric is a potent natural anti-inflammatory helping reduce joint pain and reduce inflammation. Turmeric is one of the most extensively researched herbal medicines. Research shows the diversity in the use of turmeric likely due its anti-inflammatory action mainly due to curcuminoids including curcumin. Turmeric works by down-regulating the production of inflammatory agents and helping protect cartilage with antioxidants. Turmeric improves mild joint health and joint function.
  2. Ashwagandha is popularly known for its use as an adaptogen, helping the body and mind manage stress more effectively. In Ayurveda Ashwagandha is used to promote overall vitality, improve muscle strength and joint flexibility. Ashwagandha is considered one of the most important herbs used in Ayurvedic medicine considered a ‘Rasayana’ – a herbal preparation that promotes a youthful state of physical and mental health, expanding happiness. Used for over a millennium, it is believed to give the power of a ‘horse’ and amongst its most common traditional uses include supporting debility from old age, musculoskeletal symptoms and to aid in joint health.

Ashwagandha’s antioxidant properties have been found clinically to support joint health, to improve physical health and support quality of life for individuals with mild joint discomfort and morning stiffness. 

  1. Boswellia resin, also known as Indian frankincense, and known for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, mainly due to the Boswellic acids. Studies show people taking Boswellia can achieve better movement and reduced mild joint pain and inflammation. Boswellia works on inhibiting the production of inflammatory agents, and that it can be used long term without negative effects. 
  2. Galangal rhizome has been used as a herbal medicine for centuries in many cultures including the Middle East, China, India and Thailand. It is used to support inflammatory conditions that affect the muscles and joints.  In addition to essential oils galangal is rich in many compounds that enable reduction of inflammation and pain, and improved circulation. 
  3. Ginger is an integral part of many traditional medicines across China, India and used in Western Herbal Medicine. Ginger supports healthy blood circulation and inflammation. Gingerol and zingerone in ginger have specific anti-inflammatory properties, and decrease chronic inflammation by inhibiting inflammation-triggering prostaglandins. Ginger is also traditionally used to enhance the synergistic action of other herbal medicines. 

2. Massage and spa therapy

Massage can be a great way to support your physical and mental health. Not only is it relaxing but massage therapy also helps reduce mild joint pain and muscle pain.  Massage therapy helps to increase circulation to inflamed and painful joints. Ayurveda, one of the world’s oldest healing systems, offers a holistic approach to maintaining mobility and overall health. It emphasises the importance of balancing the body, mind, and spirit for optimal wellness. Alongside the use of medicinal botanicals, Ayurveda offers lifestyle practices and therapies that are designed to support joint health and flexibility.

In Ayurveda a common practice is Abhyanga, which is self-massage with warm oils infused with medicinal herbs. This practice helps to lubricate the joints, improve circulation, and relax the muscles. Regular self-massage can help ease joint stiffness, particularly in the morning or after long periods of inactivity.

3. Yoga and stretching therapy 

Yoga originates from Indian traditional medicine, Ayurveda. Ayurveda “the science of life” medicine aims to balance the body, mind, and spirit through food, herbal remedies, and lifestyle practices, including movement and exercise. Yoga is now a popular health practice for maintaining mobility and supporting physical health and overall well-being. Yoga focuses on various physical postures and moves to promote stretching, flexibility, and building strength, all of which support joint health. Yoga’s slow, deliberate movements are designed to enhance circulation and maintain joint mobility without putting undue strain on the body.

4. Eat your way to less inflammation:

A diet rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant foods will help your body cope with inflammation. Eating a vegetable rich diet, with leafy greens, 2-3 serves of fruit daily and mainly vegetable sources of protein, helps to manage inflammation. Try these food tips to help you: 

  • Include Omega-3 Foods: Omega-3, in particular EPA, is a critical component in the production of our body’s anti-inflammatory compounds. Fish is a great source as are algal or seaweed sources. Aim for three serves of fish per week, or the equivalent in EPA rich algae. 
  • Use anti-inflammatory herbs and spices: Utilise turmeric, ginger and galangal in your cooking and diet to help reduce inflammation. 
  • Veggie rich diet: Green leafy vegetables are great in helping reduce inflammation. Celery juice is great at helping reduce swelling and inflammation. Fruits that can help fight inflammation include paw paw and pineapple due to their flavonoids. 
  • Reduce sugary and processed foods: Aim to have your food as close to natural as possible. Processed foods, fried foods and sugary foods trigger and increase inflammation. 
  • Red berries and foods: Red berries, like cherries, are great for reducing inflammation. Consider beetroot, raspberries
  • Reduce tomatoes and capsicum: Some people with joint problems find reducing or eliminating Nightshade family foods, like tomato and capsicum, helps with their joint pain.
  • Reduce red meat: red meat contains fats that promote inflammation which can further trigger joint pain and inflammation. Limit red meat to no more than three serves per week. 

Maintaining healthy movement is essential for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Incorporating these essential tips into your daily routine can help you keep “springing” with health, and moving with vitality. 

Always consult your healthcare professional when managing an injury or serious joint issue or long-standing pain.

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