How do I sign up for an AyurScience account?
If you’re looking to buy products, create an account by filling out the Register form below with your Name, Email and Address.
Health Practitioner Account
If you’re a Health Practitioner, enter your Professional Association Number, Profession and Business Name to gain access to our exclusive resources.
To log into your existing account, use the Login form below.
How do I gain access to Health Professional content and information?
We recommend registering for access to the health professional resource section of our website. This will give you exclusive access to our updated technical product information, education and research, patient tools, and the latest news on the AyurScience herbal health range. If you’re already registered as a Health Professional, click the button below to access your AyurScience health practitioner resources.
To view our health professional resources, please log into your account with your professional association number.